


Frühling (noun) refers to the season of spring in the German language. It is the time of the year characterized by the transition from winter to summer when nature begins to awaken after the winter months.


  • Winter: the opposite season to Frühling, characterized by cold temperatures and shorter daylight hours.


  • Frühlingszeit: another term for Frühling, emphasizing the time aspect of the season.
  • Lenz: an alternative word for Frühling, used to describe the beginning of spring.


  1. Der Frühling ist die schönste Jahreszeit, wenn die Blumen wieder zu blühen beginnen. (Spring is the most beautiful season when the flowers start to bloom again.)
  2. Im Frühling spürt man die ersten warmen Sonnenstrahlen auf der Haut. (In spring, one can feel the first warm rays of sun on their skin.)

Frühling is a word that encapsulates the spirit of renewal and rejuvenation. It represents a time of beauty and growth, where the world is transformed by blooming flowers, green landscapes, and the return of warmth. As the winter fades away, Frühling brings a sense of hope and optimism, making it a cherished season by many.\ Visit

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