


Freiheit is a German word that translates to “freedom” in English. It refers to the state of being free from oppression, tyranny, or restrictions. This can include political freedom, personal freedom, and freedom of expression.


The opposite of Freiheit would be Unfreiheit, which means “unfreedom” or “lack of freedom.” This can refer to being under oppressive rule, being imprisoned, or being restrained in some way.


Some synonyms for Freiheit include: Selbstbestimmung (self-determination), Unabhängigkeit (independence), and Autonomie (autonomy).


  • Die Freiheit der Presse ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil jeder Demokratie. (The freedom of the press is an important component of any democracy.)
  • Sie genoss die Freiheit, jeden Tag selbst zu entscheiden, was sie tun wollte. (She enjoyed the freedom to decide for herself what to do each day.)
  • In vielen Ländern kämpfen die Menschen immer noch um ihre Freiheit. (In many countries, people are still fighting for their freedom.)\ Visit

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