


Freizeit (n.) is a German word that translates to “free time” or “leisure” in English. It refers to the time during which a person is not working or occupied with their regular responsibilities or tasks.


The opposite of Freizeit is “Arbeitszeit” which means “work time” or “working hours” in English. While Freizeit represents the free time one has for personal activities and relaxation, Arbeitszeit refers to the specific hours devoted to work and professional duties.


Some synonyms for Freizeit include:

  • “Erholungszeit” - meaning “recreation time”
  • “Mußestunden” - translated to “leisure hours”
  • “Zeit zur freien Verfügung” - meaning “time for personal use”


Here are a few examples of how Freizeit is used in sentences:

  1. Ich verbringe meine Freizeit gerne in der Natur. (I enjoy spending my leisure time in nature.)
  2. Nach der Arbeit habe ich endlich Freizeit, um meine Hobbys zu genießen. (After work, I finally have free time to enjoy my hobbies.)
  3. An den Wochenenden nutze ich meine Freizeit, um mit Freunden und Familie zusammenzukommen. (On weekends, I utilize my free time to gather with friends and family.)

Freizeit is an essential aspect of maintaining a healthy work-life balance, providing individuals with the opportunity to relax, pursue hobbies, and engage in activities that bring them joy and fulfillment.\ Visit

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