Fremde [German]

Fremde [German]


Definition 1: The noun “Fremde” refers to the state or condition of being a stranger or foreigner. It encompasses the feeling of being unfamiliar or unknown in a particular place or among certain people.

Example 1: Nachdem sie in das neue Land gezogen war, fühlte sie sich in der Fremde. (After she moved to the new country, she felt like a stranger.)

Synonym 1: Auswanderer (emigrant)

Opposite 1: Einheimische (locals)

Definition 2: The adjective “fremde” is used to describe something or someone that is foreign or unfamiliar.

Example 2: Die fremden Gerüche auf dem Markt weckten ihre Neugierde. (The foreign smells at the market aroused her curiosity.)

Synonym 2: unbekannt (unknown)

Opposite 2: vertraut (familiar)

Definition 3: In the context of the noun, “Fremde” can also refer to an unknown or unfamiliar place.

Example 3: Sie entschied sich für die Erkundung der Fremde. (She decided to explore the unknown.)

Synonym 3: Unbekanntes Gebiet (unknown territory)

Opposite 3: Vertrautes Umfeld (familiar surroundings)

Remember that learning a language involves understanding the subtle nuances and contexts of words. The word “Fremde” can have various meanings depending on the context, so it is important to consider the specific usage when translating or interpreting it.\ Visit

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