


Freundlich (pronounced: froyn-tlikh) is a German adjective that means “friendly” or “kind.” It is derived from the noun “Freund” which means “friend.” When describing a person, it refers to someone who behaves in a warm, welcoming, and cordial manner.


The opposite of freundlich is unfreundlich which means “unfriendly” or “unkind.” It describes an individual who is cold, distant, or rude in their interactions with others.


Some synonyms for freundlich include:

  • Nett (nice)
  • Liebenswürdig (amiable)
  • Herzlich (warm-hearted)
  • Zuvorkommend (courteous)


  1. Der Verkäufer war sehr freundlich und half mir bei meiner Auswahl. (The shopkeeper was very friendly and helped me with my selection.)
  2. Meine Nachbarin ist immer freundlich und hilfsbereit. (My neighbor is always friendly and helpful.)
  3. Das Personal in diesem Restaurant ist sehr freundlich und zuvorkommend. (The staff at this restaurant is very friendly and courteous.)

Being friendly and kind is an important characteristic that promotes positive social interactions and fosters harmonious relationships. It helps create a pleasant environment where people feel comfortable and respected.\ Visit

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