Fuß (noun)

Fuß (noun)

Definition: Fuß is a German noun that translates to “foot” in English. It refers to the terminal part of the leg below the ankle joint. The Fuß plays an integral role in enabling locomotion and providing support to the body.

Opposite: The opposite of Fuß is “Kopf,” which means “head” in English. While the Fuß is associated with movement, balance, and grounding, the Kopf represents the uppermost part of the body associated with the senses, cognition, and conscious thought.

Synonyms: Some synonyms for Fuß include “Bein” (leg) and “Unterschenkel” (lower leg). These terms are related to different parts of the leg but can be used interchangeably depending on the context.


  • “Ich hatte einen langen Tag und meine Füße tun weh.” (I had a long day, and my feet hurt.)
  • “Die Ballerinas bewegten ihre Füße mühelos zur Musik.” (The ballerinas effortlessly moved their feet to the music.)
  • “Er trug bequeme Schuhe, die seine Füße nicht einklemmten.” (He wore comfortable shoes that didn’t pinch his feet.)

The word Fuß is an essential part of the human body and carries both literal and metaphorical meanings in various contexts. Understanding its definitions, opposites, and synonyms enriches our German vocabulary and enhances our ability to communicate effectively in the language.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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