

Fußgänger (noun)

A Fußgänger is a person who walks on foot, also known as a pedestrian. This word is derived from the combination of “Fuß” (foot) and “gänger” (walker). In German, this term is extensively used to refer to individuals who are moving in a specific area without using any form of transportation.


  • Autofahrer (car driver)
  • Radfahrer (cyclist)
  • Motorradfahrer (motorcyclist)
  • Rollerfahrer (scooter rider)


  • Passant (passerby)
  • Spaziergänger (stroller)


  1. Die Stadt hat spezielle Zebrastreifen für Fußgänger eingerichtet. (The city has established special crosswalks for pedestrians.)
  2. Fußgänger haben Vorrang an diesem Zebrastreifen. (Pedestrians have priority at this crosswalk.)
  3. Bitte achte darauf, dass du als Fußgänger immer die Straße sicher überquerst. (Please make sure to cross the road safely as a pedestrian.)

As a Fußgänger, it is important to follow traffic rules and cross roads using designated crossings to ensure your own safety and the smooth flow of transportation. Respecting the right of way and practicing caution while walking are crucial in maintaining harmony between pedestrians, drivers, and cyclists.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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