


Fußgängerampel, literally meaning “pedestrian traffic light,” is a compound word derived from “Fußgänger” (pedestrian) and “Ampel” (traffic light). It refers to the traffic control device designed specifically for pedestrians at intersections. In Germany, as in many other countries, Fußgängerampeln play a vital role in ensuring the safety and smooth flow of pedestrians in urban areas.


The opposite of a Fußgängerampel could be the absence of a designated pedestrian crossing, where pedestrians have to cross the road without any assistance or protection. Another opposite could be a shared zone or street, in which pedestrians and vehicles share the road without specific traffic lights for pedestrians.


Some common synonyms for Fußgängerampel are:

  1. Zebrastreifen - refers to a pedestrian crosswalk marked with painted zebra stripes.
  2. Überweg - simply means “crosswalk” and is widely used to describe pedestrian crossing areas.


Here are a few examples of sentences using the word Fußgängerampel:

  1. Ich benutzte die Fußgängerampel, um sicher über die Straße zu gelangen. (I used the pedestrian traffic light to safely cross the road.)
  2. An dieser Kreuzung gibt es drei Fußgängerampeln. (There are three pedestrian traffic lights at this intersection.)
  3. Bitte warten Sie an der Fußgängerampel, bis die Ampel auf Grün schaltet. (Please wait at the pedestrian traffic light until the light turns green.)

Overall, Fußgängerampel is a commonly used word in everyday German conversations, highlighting the significance of pedestrian safety and traffic control in urban areas.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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