Fußgängerzone is a compound word in German, which literally translates to “pedestrian zone”. It refers to a designated area or street where vehicles are not allowed, and only pedestrians can walk, shop, and hang out.
- Fußgängerzone: A pedestrian zone where no cars are allowed.
- Fußgängerüberweg: A pedestrian crosswalk where vehicles must stop to allow people to cross the street safely.
- Fußgängerverkehr: Pedestrian traffic, which includes the movement of people on foot in cities and towns.
- Straße: Street, which refers to a road where both cars and pedestrians can move freely.
- Autobahn: A highway where cars and other vehicles can drive at high speeds.
- Flughafen: Airport, where planes and other forms of transportation arrive and depart.
- Einkaufsstraße: Shopping street or district, a designated area for buying clothing, food, and other products.
- Fußgängerüberführung: Pedestrian bridge or elevated walkway, which allows pedestrians to cross over rivers, highways, or other obstacles safely.
- Fußgängertunnel: Underground pedestrian walkway, which allows people to cross under roads, train tracks, or other structures.
- Die Fußgängerzone in der Innenstadt ist immer voll von Touristen und Einheimischen. (The pedestrian zone in the city center is always crowded with tourists and locals.)
- Die Stadt möchte den öffentlichen Verkehr verbessern, indem sie mehr Fußgängerüberwege baut. (The city wants to improve public transportation by building more pedestrian crossings.)
- Der Fußgängerverkehr in Berlin ist ziemlich chaotisch, besonders zur Hauptverkehrszeit. (Pedestrian traffic in Berlin is quite chaotic, especially during rush hour.)\ Visit YouGlish.com