Der Garten is the German word for “garden”. It refers to a piece of land that is used for growing flowers, vegetables, or other plants.
The opposite of Garten could be “Innenhof” which means “courtyard” in German. While a garden is typically an outdoor area with plants and flowers, a courtyard is often a paved area enclosed by walls or buildings.
Some synonyms for Garten are “Pflanzgarten” (plant garden) or “Blumengarten” (flower garden), which highlight the specific type of garden being referred to.
- Sie verbringt viel Zeit im Garten, um ihre Gemüsepflanzen anzubauen. (She spends a lot of time in the garden to grow her vegetable plants.)
- Der Garten ist mit bunten Blumen und Sträuchern geschmückt. (The garden is adorned with colorful flowers and shrubs.)\ Visit YouGlish.com