


Geben” is a German word which means ‘to give’ in English. It is a verb that is commonly used in everyday conversations.


The opposite of “geben” is “nehmen,” which means ‘to take’ in English. While “geben” implies the act of giving, “nehmen” implies the act of taking.


There are several synonyms for “geben” that can be used depending on the context. Some of these synonyms include:

  • schenken (to gift)
  • reichen (to hand over)
  • überreichen (to present)

Example Sentences

Here are a few examples of how “geben” can be used in different sentences:

  1. “Ich gebe dir mein Buch.” (I give you my book.)
  2. “Kannst du mir bitte etwas Geld geben?” (Can you please give me some money?)
  3. “Er gibt oft Spenden für wohltätige Zwecke.” (He frequently donates to charity.)

Geben” is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts, such as giving objects, offering assistance, or providing support.\ Visit

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