

Geduld is a German word that translates to “patience” in English. It refers to the ability to remain calm and persistent in the face of obstacles, delays, or challenges.

Synonyms: Ausdauer (endurance), Ruhe (calmness), Gelassenheit (serenity)

Opposites: Ungeduld (impatience), Hektik (haste), Nervosität (nervousness)


  1. Nach langem Warten verlor er schließlich die Geduld. (After waiting for a long time, he finally lost his patience.)

  2. Geduld ist eine Tugend. (Patience is a virtue.)

  3. Sie zeigte viel Geduld beim Erlernen der neuen Sprache. (She showed a lot of patience when learning the new language.)\ Visit

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