


Gegensatz is a German noun that translates to “opposite” in English. It is derived from the combination of the prefix “ge-“ which denotes opposition or contrast, and the noun “Satz” meaning “sentence” or “statement.” This word is commonly used to describe the contrasting or opposing relationship between things or concepts.



In contrast to the Gegensatz, the term Gleichsatz refers to “identity” or “sameness.” It represents the absence of opposition or contrast, indicating that two things or concepts are identical or share the same characteristics.


Another opposite of Gegensatz is Harmonie, which translates to “harmony” in English. Unlike Gegensatz, which describes opposition or contrast, Harmonie signifies the presence of agreement, coherence, and unity among different elements or entities.



Kontrast is a synonym of Gegensatz and refers to the “contrast” or “difference” between two things or concepts. Just like Gegensatz, this word emphasizes the distinctness or divergence of elements, highlighting their dissimilarity or opposing qualities.


Widerspruch is another synonym of Gegensatz and translates to “contradiction” or “opposition.” This word emphasizes the conflicting or contradictory relationship between two ideas, actions, or opinions.


  1. Der Gegensatz zwischen Tag und Nacht ist offensichtlich. (The contrast between day and night is evident.)
  2. In Harmonie zu leben, ist ein erstrebenswertes Ziel. (Living in harmony is an admirable goal.)
  3. Es gibt einen klaren Gegensatz zwischen Arm und Reich. (There is a clear opposition between the poor and the rich.)
  4. Die Widersprüche in seinen Aussagen sind unübersehbar. (The contradictions in his statements are undeniable.)
  5. Der Kontrast zwischen den beiden Farben bringt das Bild zum Leben. (The contrast between the two colors brings the image to life.)

Gegensatz is a versatile word that encompasse a wide range of contexts and relationships. Its understanding is essential for effective communication in German and serves as a fundamental concept in expressing contrasting ideas or elements.\ Visit

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