


Geheimnis is a German noun that refers to a secret or mystery. It signifies something that is not known or understood by everyone and is kept concealed or hidden from others. It is often associated with classified information or undisclosed details.


  • Offenbarung (revelation): While a Geheimnis denotes information that is hidden, an Offenbarung refers to the act of revealing or making something known.

  • Öffentlichkeit (public): Geheimnis suggests secrecy, whereas Öffentlichkeit represents the state of being public or open.


  • Rätsel (riddle): Rätsel refers to a puzzle or enigma that requires solving, similar to a Geheimnis that demands uncovering.

  • Mysterium (mystery): Mysterium bears a resemblance to Geheimnis, suggesting something unknown or inexplicable.


  1. “Sie hat ein Geheimnis, das sie niemandem anvertrauen möchte.” (She has a secret that she doesn’t want to confide to anyone.)

  2. “Das Geheimnis des verschwundenen Schatzes bleibt ungelöst.” (The secret of the missing treasure remains unsolved.)

  3. “Die geheimnisvolle Atmosphäre des alten Schlosses faszinierte die Besucher.” (The mysterious atmosphere of the old castle fascinated the visitors.)

  4. “Er kennt das Geheimnis, wie man das perfekte Soufflé zubereitet.” (He knows the secret to making the perfect soufflé.)

Keep in mind that Geheimnis is a versatile word and its usage can vary depending on the context.\ Visit

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