


  • Gehen (verb): to walk or to go on foot


  • Kommen (verb): to come


  • Gehen (verb): wandeln, spazieren, marschieren, schlendern


  1. Ich gehe heute zum Einkaufen. (I am going shopping today.)
  2. Wir gehen oft gemeinsam spazieren. (We often go for a walk together.)
  3. Er geht jeden Morgen zur Arbeit. (He walks to work every morning.)
  4. Sie gehen gerne im Park joggen. (They enjoy jogging in the park.)

Gehen, which means “to walk” or “to go on foot,” is a fundamental verb in the German language. It is used to describe the action of moving by foot from one place to another. The opposite of gehen is kommen, which means “to come.” While gehen signifies the act of departing or moving away, kommen implies the act of arriving or moving towards.

Synonyms for gehen include wandeln, spazieren, marschieren, and schlendern. These words can all be used interchangeably with gehen based on the context and desired level of formality. Each synonym carries slight nuances in meaning. For instance, spazieren implies a leisurely walk, marschieren connotes a more purposeful or organized march, wandeln suggests a stroll or wandering, and schlendern signifies a slow or casual walk.

To illustrate the usage of gehen, here are a few examples:

  1. “Ich gehe heute zum Einkaufen.” (I am going shopping today.) - In this sentence, gehen indicates the intention to walk to a specific place for the purpose of shopping.
  2. “Wir gehen oft gemeinsam spazieren.” (We often go for a walk together.) - Here, gehen is used to express the regular activity of taking walks together.
  3. “Er geht jeden Morgen zur Arbeit.” (He walks to work every morning.) - This sentence highlights the routine of walking to work as a means of transportation.
  4. “Sie gehen gerne im Park joggen.” (They enjoy jogging in the park.) - In this example, gehen is used to describe the preferred activity of jogging while moving on foot in the park.

Overall, gehen is a versatile verb in German, representing the simple act of walking or going on foot. Its synonyms, opposites, and various examples showcase its usage in everyday language.\ Visit

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