


Definition: Genießen is a German verb that translates to “to enjoy” in English. It derives from the noun “Genuss,” which means pleasure or enjoyment.

Opposites: While the opposite of enjoying something would be not enjoying it, there is no specific antonym for the verb Genießen in German. However, some phrases like “leiden unter” (to suffer from) or “ohne Freude” (without joy) can be used in context to convey the opposite meaning.

Synonyms: Some synonyms of Genießen include “sich erfreuen an” (to take pleasure in), “sich wohlfühlen” (to feel comfortable), and “sich vergnügen” (to have fun).


  • Ich genieße gerne eine Tasse Kaffee am Morgen. (I enjoy having a cup of coffee in the morning.)
  • Am Wochenende genieße ich es, Zeit mit meiner Familie zu verbringen. (On the weekends, I enjoy spending time with my family.)
  • In den Sommerferien genieße ich es, am Strand zu liegen und ein Buch zu lesen. (During the summer holidays, I enjoy lying on the beach and reading a book.)

Genießen is a versatile verb that encompasses the concept of finding pleasure and deriving enjoyment from various activities, experiences, and moments in life. Whether it’s savoring a delicious meal, relaxing during a vacation, or simply appreciating the little joys of everyday life, Genießen encapsulates the essence of finding happiness in the present moment.\ Visit

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