Geräusch [noun]

Geräusch [noun]


Geräusch (pronounced geh-ROISH) is a noun in the German language that translates to “noise” in English. It refers to any audible sound or disturbance that can be perceived by the human ear.


The opposite of Geräusch is Stille, meaning “silence.” While Geräusch implies the presence of sound, Stille represents the absence of sound or a state of tranquility.


A common synonym for Geräusch is Lärm. Lärm also translates to “noise,” but it specifically emphasizes a loud or irritating sound. So while Geräusch is a general term for any noise, Lärm implies a more disturbing or bothersome auditory experience.


  • Das Geräusch der fallenden Blätter beruhigte mich. (The sound of the falling leaves calmed me down.)

  • In der Stadt gibt es immer viele Geräusche. (There are always many noises in the city.)

  • Der laute Geräusch des Lkw störte meinen Schlaf. (The loud noise of the truck disturbed my sleep.)

  • Bitte mach nicht so viel Geräusch, ich muss mich konzentrieren. (Please don’t make so much noise, I need to concentrate.)

The word Geräusch captures the diverse range of sounds that surround us in our daily lives. Whether it’s the chirping of birds, the hum of traffic, or the rustling of leaves, Geräusch encompasses all audible phenomena around us.\ Visit

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