

Geselligkeit is a German word that has no direct translation in English, but it roughly means sociability, conviviality, or socializing. It is a concept that refers to the joy of being with others and enjoying their company.

Some possible synonyms for Geselligkeit could be “gemütlichkeit” (cosiness), “Gemeinschaft” (community), or “Zusammengehörigkeit” (belongingness). It is an important cultural value in Germany, where people tend to place a high value on spending time together, sharing food and drinks, and having conversations.

Oppositely, the opposite of Geselligkeit might be “Einsamkeit” (loneliness), “Isolation” (isolation), or “Alleinsein” (solitude). These concepts denote a lack of social interaction and a desire for it.

Here are some examples of how the word Geselligkeit can be used in a sentence:

  • Gestern Abend hatten wir eine tolle Geselligkeit mit unseren Freunden. (Yesterday evening we had a great time socializing with our friends.)

  • Für die Deutschen ist Geselligkeit eine wichtige Tradition. (For Germans, sociability is an important tradition.)

  • Ich genieße es, Geselligkeit mit meiner Familie und Freunden zu haben. (I enjoy socializing with my family and friends.)

  • Leider gibt es heute nicht so viel Geselligkeit wie früher. (Unfortunately, there isn’t as much conviviality today as there was in the past.)\ Visit

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