Gleichgültig [German]

Gleichgültig [German]

Gleichgültig is a German adjective that literally means “equally-imperturbable.” However, its interpretation entails a slightly different meaning. The word “gleichgültig” refers to a state of being indifferent or apathetic.


  • Indifferent or apathetic
  • Unmoved or uninterested
  • Dispassionate or emotionless


  • Gleichgültigkeit ~ indifferently
  • Desinteressiert ~ uninterested
  • Kaltblütig ~ cold-blooded
  • Abgestumpft ~ deadened
  • Teilnahmslos ~ unconcerned


  • Interessiert ~ interested
  • Leidenschaftlich ~ passionate
  • Emotional ~ emotional
  • Beteiligt ~ involved
  • Engagiert ~ committed


  • Sie waren alle gleichgültig gegenüber der Sache. (They were all indifferent to the matter.)
  • Seine Gleichgültigkeit ärgert mich. (His indifference annoys me.)
  • Die gleiche Gleichgültigkeit von dir hat mein Interesse gestillt. (Your same indifference has quelled my interest.)

In conclusion, the word “gleichgültig” is a useful adjective that can express a lack of concern or emotional detachment. It can be used to describe people, attitudes, or behaviors and can have a negative or positive connotation depending on the context in which it is used.\ Visit

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