


Glocke is a German noun which means bell in English. It is commonly used to describe a hollow instrument made of metal, which typically hangs in a church tower, and is used to sound out the hours of the day, indicate the start and end of religious services, or celebrate special events. However, the word Glocke can also be used in a figurative sense to describe other things that resemble a bell in shape or function.

Synonyms of Glocke include Klingel (doorbell), Schelle (small bell), Geläut (peal of bells), and Carillon (musical instrument consisting of a set of bells).

Opposites of Glocke include Stille (silence), Ruhe (quiet), and Abwesenheit (absence). These words are opposite to Glocke because they convey a lack of sound, whilst Glocke itself expresses the presence of loud, resonant noise.

Examples of sentences using Glocke:

  • Die Glocke läutete um 12 Uhr mittags. (The bell rang at noon.)
  • Die Kirche hat drei Glocken in ihrem Turm. (The church has three bells in its tower.)
  • Wenn wir die Glocke hören, wissen wir, dass es Zeit ist zu gehen. (When we hear the bell, we know it’s time to leave.)\ Visit

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