


  • (noun) Grillen: the act of grilling; the process of cooking food on a grill or barbecue.

  • (noun) Grillen: crickets; small insects that make chirping sounds.

  • (verb) grillen: to grill; to cook food over an open flame or hot coals.

  • (verb) grillen: to worry excessively; to fret; to have anxieties or concerns.


  • Grillen (noun, cooking): kochen (to cook)

  • Grillen (noun, insects): Stille (silence)

  • Grillen (verb, cooking): aufhören (to stop)

  • Grillen (verb, worrying): entspannen (to relax)


  • Grillen (noun, cooking): Braten (to roast)

  • Grillen (noun, insects): Heimchen (house cricket)

  • Grillen (verb, cooking): rösten (to toast)

  • Grillen (verb, worrying): sorgen (to worry)


  • Ich liebe es, im Garten zu grillen. (I love grilling in the garden.)

  • Die Grillen zirpten in der Dunkelheit. (The crickets chirped in the darkness.)

  • Sie grillt ihr Steak immer auf dem Holzkohlegrill. (She always grills her steak on the charcoal grill.)

  • Er grillt so oft, dass seine Nachbarn sich Sorgen machen. (He grills so often that his neighbors worry.)\ Visit

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