(noun) Grillen: the act of grilling; the process of cooking food on a grill or barbecue.
(noun) Grillen: crickets; small insects that make chirping sounds.
(verb) grillen: to grill; to cook food over an open flame or hot coals.
(verb) grillen: to worry excessively; to fret; to have anxieties or concerns.
Grillen (noun, cooking): kochen (to cook)
Grillen (noun, insects): Stille (silence)
Grillen (verb, cooking): aufhören (to stop)
Grillen (verb, worrying): entspannen (to relax)
Grillen (noun, cooking): Braten (to roast)
Grillen (noun, insects): Heimchen (house cricket)
Grillen (verb, cooking): rösten (to toast)
Grillen (verb, worrying): sorgen (to worry)
Ich liebe es, im Garten zu grillen. (I love grilling in the garden.)
Die Grillen zirpten in der Dunkelheit. (The crickets chirped in the darkness.)
Sie grillt ihr Steak immer auf dem Holzkohlegrill. (She always grills her steak on the charcoal grill.)
Er grillt so oft, dass seine Nachbarn sich Sorgen machen. (He grills so often that his neighbors worry.)\ Visit YouGlish.com