Häufig (Adjective)

Häufig (Adjective)


Häufig is an adjective in the German language and is used to describe something that occurs or happens frequently or often. It is derived from the noun “Häufigkeit,” which means frequency or occurrence rate.


The opposite of häufig is selten, which means rare or seldom. While häufig signifies a high frequency, selten describes something that occurs infrequently or is scarce.


Some synonyms for häufig include oft, regelmäßig, wiederholt, and häufigst. These words can also be used to convey the idea of frequent occurrence or repetition.


  • Die Sonne scheint häufig im Sommer. (The sun often shines in summer.)
  • Er kommt häufig zu spät zur Arbeit. (He frequently arrives late to work.)
  • In dieser Region regnet es oft. (It often rains in this region.)
  • Die Aufgaben werden regelmäßig überprüft. (The tasks are checked regularly.)
  • Sie stellt häufig die gleichen Fragen. (She often asks the same questions.)\ Visit YouGlish.com

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