Haben [German]

Haben [German]


  1. To have: This verb is used to express possession or ownership of something. It indicates that someone is in the state of possessing a particular object, quality, or characteristic. For example:
    • Ich habe einen Hund. (I have a dog.)
    • Er hat braune Haare. (He has brown hair.)
  2. To experience: “Haben” can also be used to express experiences or feelings. In this context, it signifies the act of going through or having a certain experience. For example:
    • Ich habe Spaß. (I am having fun.)
    • Sie hat Hunger. (She is hungry.)
  3. To need: In certain contexts, “haben” can also indicate a need for something. It implies that someone requires or desires a particular item or action. For example:
    • Ich habe Geld. (I need money.)
    • Wir haben Hilfe. (We need help.)


  • Nicht haben: Not to have
  • Brauchen: To not need
  • Verlieren: To lose


  • Besitzen: To possess
  • Erhalten: To receive


  1. Possession:
    • Peter hat ein Auto. (Peter has a car.)
    • Du hast schöne Kleider. (You have nice clothes.)
  2. Experience:
    • Wir haben eine fantastische Reise gemacht. (We had a fantastic trip.)
    • Sie hat ein großartiges Konzert erlebt. (She experienced an amazing concert.)
  3. Need:
    • Ich habe dringend Medikamente nötig. (I urgently need medication.)
    • Habt ihr etwas zu Essen? (Do you have something to eat?)

Remember to conjugate the verb “haben” according to the subject and tense of the sentence.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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