


Definition: In German, the word “Hafen” translates to “harbor” in English. It refers to a place on the coast or by a river where ships can shelter or dock, loading and unloading goods or passengers. Hafen can also be used metaphorically to describe a safe and secure place.

Opposites: The opposite of Hafen is “Hinterland,” which denotes the inland or the rural areas, far away from the coast or river where the harbor is located. Additionally, the term “Meer” translates to “sea” in English and is a broader opposite of Hafen since it refers to the larger body of water where the harbor is typically situated.

Synonyms: Synonyms for Hafen include “Seehafen” (seaport) and “Anlegeplatz” (mooring place). These terms are often used interchangeably, describing the location where ships can dock and unload their cargo or passengers.


  • Der Hafen von Hamburg ist einer der größten Seehäfen in Europa. (The port of Hamburg is one of the largest seaports in Europe.)
  • Das Schiff ankerte im Hafen, um die Passagiere abzusetzen. (The ship anchored in the harbor to drop off the passengers.)
  • Der Hafen bot den Seeleuten Schutz vor dem starken Sturm. (The harbor provided sailors protection from the strong storm.)
  • Der Hafen meiner Kindheit war immer ein Ort der Ruhe und Geborgenheit. (The harbor of my childhood was always a place of tranquility and security.)

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