

“Heimweh” is a German word that translates to “homesickness” in English. It is a compound word formed by combining “Heim” (home) and “Weh” (ache or pain).

Heimweh refers to the nostalgic longing for one’s home or homeland. It is the feeling of deep emotional distress or sadness experienced when separated from familiar surroundings, loved ones, or the sense of belonging associated with one’s native place.


A synonym for “Heimweh” is “Fernweh,” which translates to “wanderlust” in English. Although it might seem contradictory, both words capture the feeling of yearning for a place, either home or a distant foreign land, that is deeply rooted in one’s heart.


The opposite of “Heimweh” is “Fernwehlosigkeit” (lack of wanderlust), which describes a lack of desire or urge to explore new places or travel far from home. Someone who experiences Fernwehlosigkeit tends to be content with their immediate surroundings and has no longing to explore unfamiliar territories.


  1. After living abroad for several years, Petra developed a strong case of Heimweh for her hometown. She missed the familiar sights, smells, and the closeness of her family and friends.

  2. Despite his exciting journey to exotic destinations, Daniel couldn’t shake off the feeling of Heimweh that persisted in his heart. The longing for the comfort and familiarity of his homeland grew stronger with each passing day.

  3. Lena’s Fernweh was insatiable, as she constantly dreamt of exploring distant lands. This desire to discover new cultures and landscapes was in stark contrast to her friend Sophie’s Heimweh, who preferred the safety and familiarity of home.

  4. Charlotte’s Fernwehlosigkeit made her content with staying in her small hometown. While others spoke of adventure and travel, she found joy and fulfillment in the simple pleasures of her daily life, never feeling the pangs of wanderlust.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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