


Herbstzeitlos is a German word referring to a plant commonly known as autumn crocus in English. It comes from the combination of three words: “Herbst” meaning “autumn,” “Zeit” meaning “time,” and “los” meaning “less.” The name Herbstzeitlos can be translated to “autumn timeless” or “timeless autumn.”


  • Colchicum autumnale
  • Naked ladies
  • Meadow saffron


Since Herbstzeitlos is a specific plant, it does not have a direct opposite. However, if we consider its associated meanings, an opposite could be:

  • Frühlingserwachen (spring awakening)


  • Die Herbstzeitlos ist eine giftige Pflanze. (The autumn crocus is a poisonous plant.)
  • Siehst du diese Herbstzeitlos? Die Blüten sind so schön. (Do you see this autumn crocus? The flowers are so beautiful.)

Herbstzeitlos is a fascinating plant with vibrant flowers that bloom during the autumn months. However, it is essential to remember that Herbstzeitlos is highly toxic and should not be ingested.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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