

Hochnäsig is a german word that is often used to describe someone who is arrogant or haughty. It can also mean someone who is snobbish or thinks too highly of themselves. The word is often used in a negative connotation.

The opposite of hochnäsig is bescheiden or humble. Someone who is hochnäsig would never be described as bescheiden. Instead, they might be described as egotistisch or selbstgefällig, which means egotistical or self-satisfied.

Synonyms for hochnäsig include arrogant, überheblich, eingebildet, and hoher Ross. All of these words describe someone who thinks they are better than others and often have a condescending attitude towards those they consider beneath them.

An example of someone who is hochnäsig might be a celebrity who refuses to interact with their fans or a boss who belittles their employees. It can even be someone who looks down on others because of their social status or the way they dress.

In conclusion, hochnäsig is a german word that conveys a negative connotation of arrogance and haughtiness. It is the opposite of humble and has synonyms that also describe someone who thinks too highly of themselves.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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