


“Hundert” is a German word that translates to “hundred” in English. It is a cardinal number that represents the quantity or numerical value of one hundred. This word is widely used in various contexts, such as counting, measurements, calculations, and time.


The opposite of “hundert” in German is “null” which means “zero” in English. While “hundert” represents a large quantity or value, “null” signifies the absence or absence of any quantity or value.


An equivalent synonym for “hundert” in German is “einhundert.” Both words can be used interchangeably to convey the numerical value of one hundred.


  1. Die Prüfungsergebnisse werden heute veröffentlicht, und ich hoffe auf eine Note über hundert. (The exam results will be published today, and I hope for a grade above hundred.)

  2. Die Firma hat einhundert Mitarbeiter eingestellt, um die gestiegenen Anforderungen zu bewältigen. (The company has hired one hundred employees to handle the increased demands.)

  3. Die Veranstaltung beginnt um 14:00 Uhr und dauert hundert Minuten. (The event starts at 2:00 PM and lasts one hundred minutes.)

  4. Das Museum beherbergt hundert Kunstwerke aus verschiedenen Epochen. (The museum houses one hundred artworks from various periods.)\ Visit

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