


Hunger is a German word that translates to “hunger” in English. It is a noun that describes the feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by a lack of food. Hunger is the physiological sensation that signals the body’s need for nourishment and sustenance.


The opposite of Hunger is Sättigung, which means “satiety” or “fullness” in English. While hunger signifies the need for food, satiety indicates that the body’s hunger has been satisfied and no further food is required.


Some synonyms for Hunger include:

  • Appetit (appetite): the desire to eat or consume food.
  • Heißhunger (craving): an intense and uncontrollable desire for a specific type of food.
  • Leerlauf (empty stomach): the sensation of having an empty stomach due to hunger.


  1. Ich habe großen Hunger und würde gerne etwas essen. (I’m very hungry and would like to eat something.)
  2. Nach dem anstrengenden Training verspürte er einen starken Hunger. (After the intense workout, he felt a strong hunger.)
  3. Sie hatte keinen Hunger mehr, nachdem sie ein großes Mittagessen gegessen hatte. (She no longer felt hunger after eating a big lunch.)
  4. Der Geruch von frisch gebackenem Brot löste sofort Hunger bei ihm aus. (The smell of freshly baked bread immediately triggered hunger in him.)

Remember, it is important to fulfill your Hunger by consuming nutritious meals to maintain a healthy lifestyle.\ Visit

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