

Jaeger is a German word that translates to “hunter” in English. The term primarily refers to a person who hunts animals for sport or as a profession. In the world of hunting, a Jaeger is someone skilled in tracking, stalking, and capturing or killing game.


The opposite of a Jaeger would be a “Vegetarier” or vegetarian in English. While a Jaeger pursues and kills animals for various purposes, including food or conservation, a vegetarian abstains from consuming any type of meat or fish products.


Synonyms for Jaeger include:

  • Jäger
  • Wilderer
  • Waidmann
  • Waidmannsheil


Some sentences demonstrating the use of Jaeger:

  1. Der Jaeger schaffte es, den Hirsch mit seinem Gewehr zu treffen. (The hunter managed to hit the deer with his rifle.)
  2. Als passionierter Jaeger sorgt er für den Erhalt des natürlichen Gleichgewichts im Jagdgebiet. (As an avid hunter, he ensures the preservation of the natural balance in the hunting area.)
  3. Der Jaeger verbrachte Tage damit, das perfekte Gewehr für seine Jagdausflüge auszuwählen. (The hunter spent days choosing the perfect rifle for his hunting trips.)\ Visit YouGlish.com

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