


Kaputt is a German word that is commonly used to describe something that is broken or damaged. It can refer to physical objects, such as a broken glass or a malfunctioning device, as well as abstract concepts, like a failed plan or a ruined relationship.


The opposite of kaputt is intakt, which means intact or undamaged. While “kaputt” signifies something that is in a state of disrepair, “intakt” implies that an object or situation is whole and functioning properly.


Some synonyms for kaputt include zerbrochen (broken), beschädigt (damaged), defekt (defective), ruiniert (ruined), and unbrauchbar (unusable).


  • “Die Vase ist kaputt.” (The vase is broken.)
  • “Ihr Auto ist total kaputt.” (Her car is completely wrecked.)
  • “Das Projekt ist außer Kontrolle geraten und kaputtgegangen.” (The project spiraled out of control and failed.)
  • “Ich bin komplett kaputt, nachdem ich den ganzen Tag gearbeitet habe.” (I am completely exhausted after working all day.)

Kaputt is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts to express the state of something being broken or damaged. Whether it’s a physical object or an abstract concept, this word effectively conveys the idea of something being in a state of disrepair.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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