Kindheit (childhood) is a German word that refers to the period of a person’s life from birth to adolescence. It encompasses the time of innocence, growth, and development. Here are some definitions, opposites, synonyms, and examples related to Kindheit.
- Lebensabschnitt (life phase) - Kindheit is a specific phase in one’s life, characterized by innocence and curiosity.
- Frühkindliche Entwicklung (early childhood development) - This term emphasizes the growth and progress that occur during the formative years of childhood.
- Unschuld (innocence) - Kindheit represents a time when children are free from worldly worries and responsibilities.
- Erwachsenenalter (adulthood) - This term signifies the stage of life after childhood, where individuals take on adult responsibilities and obligations.
- Verantwortung (responsibility) - Kindheit is a time of carefree exploration and learning, in contrast to the duties and accountabilities that come with adulthood.
- Jugend (youth) - This term refers to the period after childhood, encompassing the teenage years and early adulthood.
- Kinderzeit (time of childhood) - Similar to Kindheit, this word emphasizes the duration of childhood.
- Als ich in meiner Kindheit auf dem Land aufwuchs, konnte ich stundenlang draußen spielen und die Natur erkunden. (During my childhood, growing up in the countryside, I could play outside for hours and explore nature.)
- Ich erinnere mich gerne daran, wie meine Kindheit von Geborgenheit und Liebe geprägt war. (I fondly remember how my childhood was marked by comfort and love.)
- In meiner Kindheit waren Brettspiele und gemeinsame Familienabende sehr beliebt. (During my childhood, board games and family gatherings were very popular.)
The concept of Kindheit holds a special place in German society, highlighting the crucial early years of a person’s life. It symbolizes a time of carefree joy, personal growth, and an exploration of the world.\ Visit