Kirschblüte is a German word that means cherry blossom. The word is a combination of two German words, ‘Kirsch’ for cherry and ‘blüte’ for blossom. Kirschblüte is a beautiful word that is often used to describe the pink and white flowers that blossom on cherry trees in spring.
Opposites: The opposite of Kirschblüte is a word that refers to the end of the blooming season. The German word for this is ‘Verblühen’, which means to fade or wither away.
Synonyms: The word Kirschblüte is often used interchangeably with the word ‘Sakura’, which is the Japanese word for cherry blossoms.
Die Kirschblüte blüht nur für einige Wochen im Frühling. [The cherry blossom only blooms for a few weeks in spring.]
Die Kirschblüte steht symbolisch für den Frühling und ein neues Leben. [The cherry blossom symbolizes spring and new life.]
Im Kirschblütenpark kann man die Schönheit der Kirschblüte bewundern. [In the cherry blossom park, you can admire the beauty of the cherry blossom.]
Kirschblüte is a poetic and beautiful word that evokes the beauty of spring and nature.\ Visit YouGlish.com