


Kloster (noun) refers to a monastery in the German language. It signifies a place where devout individuals, often monks or nuns, live together in religious seclusion and dedicate themselves to spiritual practices and communal living.


The opposite of Kloster would be “Weltlichkeit” (worldliness), which represents the opposite lifestyle of living within a monastery. The term Weltlichkeit symbolizes a secular and non-religious way of life, involving engagement with the outside world and its affairs.


Some synonyms for Kloster include:

  • Abtei: Referring specifically to an abbey, usually associated with Catholic monastic communities.
  • Priorat: Denotes a priory, which is an autonomous religious house led by a prior or prioress.
  • Klosteranlage: Referring to the entire monastery complex, which includes various buildings such as the church, residential quarters, and other functional structures.


Here are a few examples showcasing the usage of Kloster in sentences:

  1. Bei meinem letzten Urlaub besuchte ich ein altes Kloster im Schwarzwald. (During my last vacation, I visited an old monastery in the Black Forest.)
  2. Sie trat in das Kloster ein, um ein Leben im Dienste Gottes zu führen. (She entered the monastery to lead a life in the service of God.)
  3. Die Klosterbibliothek beherbergt eine große Sammlung seltener Bücher. (The monastery library houses a large collection of rare books.)

In conclusion, Kloster refers to a spiritual and communal dwelling where devoted individuals pursue a life dedicated to religious practices and principles, contrasting with the concept of worldliness. Some synonymous terms include Abtei and Priorat, while examples demonstrate its usage in real-life contexts.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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