Knall (German)
Knall is a German word that can have a few different meanings depending on the context.
In general, Knall refers to a loud and sudden noise. This sound can come from a variety of sources, such as a gunshot, a firework, or a slamming door. It can also be used to describe the sound of a collision or impact, such as the sound of a car crash.
Knall can also be used to describe a sudden change or event, such as a sudden increase in price or a sudden change in weather. In this sense, it is similar to the English word “bang.”
Some potential opposites of Knall include:
- Stille (silence)
- Ruhe (calm)
- Leisheit (quietness)
Some potential synonyms of Knall include:
- Krach
- Lärm
- Schlag
Here are a few examples of how Knall might be used in sentences:
- Der Knall war so laut, dass ich aufgeschreckt bin. (The bang was so loud that I was startled.)
- Der Preis für das Haus ist aufgrund des Knalls der Immobilienwirtschaft gestiegen. (The price of the house increased due to the sudden boom in the real estate market.)
- Die Wildschweine rannten gegen den Zaun und verursachten einen lauten Knall. (The wild boars ran into the fence and caused a loud crash.)\ Visit