


Definition: Kreativität (feminine noun) is the German word for “creativity.” It refers to the ability to generate new ideas, concepts, or solutions through imaginative thinking and originality.

Synonyms: Einfallsreichtum, Schöpferkraft, Inspiration

Opposite: Einfallslosigkeit (lack of creativity)


  1. Seine Kreativität hat ihm geholfen, ein einzigartiges Gemälde zu kreieren. (His creativity helped him create a unique painting.)
  2. Die Designerin ist bekannt für ihre außergewöhnliche Kreativität in der Modewelt. (The designer is known for her exceptional creativity in the fashion world.)
  3. In diesem Team wird Kreativität sehr geschätzt, um innovative Lösungen zu finden. (In this team, creativity is highly valued to come up with innovative solutions.)

Kreativität plays a significant role in various fields, including art, design, problem-solving, and innovation. It often involves thinking outside the box, breaking conventional patterns, and exploring new possibilities. Whether in personal projects or professional endeavors, embracing creativity can lead to exciting and original outcomes.\ Visit

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