

Krieg is a German noun that translates to “war” in English. It refers to a state of armed conflict between two or more countries or groups within a country.

Some synonyms for Krieg include “Konflikt” (conflict), “Schlacht” (battle), “Auseinandersetzung” (controversy), “Herrschaft” (domination), and “Zerstörung” (destruction).

The opposite of Krieg is “Frieden” (peace), which refers to a state of harmony and absence of hostility.

Here are some examples of Krieg being used in context:

  • Der Erste Weltkrieg dauerte von 1914 bis 1918. (The First World War lasted from 1914 to 1918.)
  • Der Krieg hat viele Menschenleben gekostet. (The war has cost many lives.)
  • Die Regierung hat den Krieg erklärt. (The government has declared war.)
  • Krieg ist immer eine schlechte Lösung. (War is always a bad solution.)

It is important to remember the devastating consequences of war and to strive always for peace and diplomacy.\ Visit

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