

Kummer is a German word that translates to “grief” or “sorrow” in English. This word is often used to describe the feeling of intense sadness or distress that a person experiences during difficult times. However, Kummer has several synonyms and opposites that can be used to describe different emotions and feelings.


  • Trauer: This word is used to describe the feeling of grief or mourning over the loss of a loved one or something important in a person’s life.
  • Leid: This word is used to describe physical or emotional pain, suffering or hardship that a person experiences.
  • Schmerz: This word is used to describe physical pain, such as a headache or stomach ache.


  • Freude: This word is used to describe the feeling of joy or happiness that a person experiences when something positive occurs in their life.
  • Glück: This word is used to describe the feeling of good fortune or luck in a person’s life.
  • Zufriedenheit: This word is used to describe the feeling of satisfaction or contentment with one’s life.


  • Nach dem Tod seiner Frau empfand er tiefen Kummer. (He felt deep grief after the death of his wife.)
  • Nachdem er seinen Job verloren hatte, empfand er starken Leid. (After losing his job, he felt intense suffering.)
  • Der Schmerz in meinem Bein wurde immer schlimmer. (The pain in my leg got worse and worse.)

In conclusion, Kummer is a powerful word that can accurately describe the feeling of sorrow and grief. However, there are many other German words that can be used to describe different emotions and feelings, such as joy, happiness, pain, and satisfaction.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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