


“Lachsfarben” is a German adjective used to describe a color that is similar to the shade of salmon. The word is derived from the German word for salmon, “Lachs.” It is primarily used in the context of color descriptions, but can also be applied metaphorically to describe something with a salmon-like quality.

Opposites and Synonyms


  • Dunkelfarben (dark colors)
  • Schwarz (black)
  • Weiß (white)


  • Korallenfarben (coral-colored)
  • Orange (orange)
  • Rosa (pink)


  1. Das Kleid ist lachsfarben und passt perfekt zur Sommerparty. (The dress is salmon-colored and fits perfectly for the summer party.)

  2. Der Sonnenuntergang taucht den Himmel in ein lachsfarbenes Licht. (The sunset bathes the sky in a salmon-colored light.)

  3. Die Wände des Zimmers sind lachsfarben gestrichen und verleihen dem Raum eine warme Atmosphäre. (The walls of the room are painted salmon-colored, giving the space a warm atmosphere.)

  4. Sein Hemd war lachsrosa, was ihm einen frischen und lebendigen Look verlieh. (His shirt was salmon-pink, giving him a fresh and vibrant look.)

  5. Die lachsfarbenen Fliesen in der Küche verleihen dem Raum eine elegante Note. (The salmon-colored tiles in the kitchen add an elegant touch to the space.)\ Visit

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