Lampe (feminine noun) refers to a lamp in German. It is an electrical device used primarily for providing artificial light in homes, offices, and other places. Often, the term Lampe is used to describe a light fixture that emits light from a bulb or a tube.
The opposite of Lampe is Dunkelheit (darkness). While a Lampe illuminates a space, Dunkelheit represents the absence or lack of light.
- Leuchte (feminine noun)
- Beleuchtung (feminine noun)
- Lichthaus (neuter noun)
- “Stell bitte die Lampe neben den Schreibtisch, damit ich besser lesen kann.” (Please place the lamp next to the desk so that I can read better.)
- “Die Lampe im Wohnzimmer verleiht dem Raum eine gemütliche Atmosphäre.” (The lamp in the living room gives the room a cozy atmosphere.)
- “Ich suche eine moderne Lampe für mein Schlafzimmer.” (I am looking for a modern lamp for my bedroom.)
Remember to replace the word Lampe with your chosen random German word throughout the post.\ Visit