Definition: Lieblingsbeschäftigung (feminine noun) simply translates to “favorite pastime” in English. It refers to the activity or hobby that someone enjoys the most and finds the most pleasure or amusement in.
Opposite: The opposite of Lieblingsbeschäftigung would be “Least favorite pastime” or “hobby one dislikes.” It represents activities that do not bring joy or satisfaction.
Synonyms: Some synonyms for Lieblingsbeschäftigung include “Lieblingshobby” (favorite hobby), “Vorliebe” (preference), and “Lieblingstätigkeit” (favorite activity).
- Meine Lieblingsbeschäftigung ist es, Bücher zu lesen. (My favorite pastime is reading books.)
- Seine Lieblingsbeschäftigung ist das Gärtnern. (His favorite pastime is gardening.)
- Sie findet Malen als ihre Lieblingsbeschäftigung. (She considers painting as her favorite pastime.)
Finding a fulfilling Lieblingsbeschäftigung is essential for individuals as it provides relaxation, happiness, and personal growth. It is important to explore different activities to discover what brings the highest level of enjoyment and satisfaction.\ Visit