

Definition: A “Luftballon” is a balloon filled with air or gas that is lighter than air and designed to rise and float in the atmosphere. It is commonly used for decoration or festivities.

Opposite: The opposite of a “Luftballon” would be a “Bodenballon,” which is a balloon that is filled with a heavy gas or material and designed to stay on the ground.

Synonym: Synonyms for “Luftballon” include “Auftriebsballon” (lift balloon) and “Schwebekugel” (floating ball).

Examples: Here are a few examples of how “Luftballon” is used in sentences:

  1. “Der Kindergeburtstag war bunt und fröhlich mit vielen Luftballons.” (The children’s birthday party was colorful and cheerful with many balloons.)

  2. “Die Kinder ließen ihre Luftballons in den Himmel steigen.” (The children released their balloons into the sky.)

  3. “Der Clowns machte lustige Figuren aus den verschiedenen farbigen Luftballons.” (The clown created funny shapes out of the various colored balloons.)

  4. “Beim Karnevalsumzug schweben bunte Luftballons über den Köpfen der Zuschauer.” (During the carnival parade, colorful balloons float above the heads of the spectators.)

Remember, a “Luftballon” is not only a fun and decorative item but also a great way to bring happiness and excitement to various celebrations and events.\ Visit

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