

Luftschloss is a German noun that translates to “castle in the air” or “pipe dream” in English. It refers to an unrealistic, impractical, or impossible idea or plan that is unattainable. Luftschloss is often used figuratively to describe hopes or dreams that seem unfeasible or unrealistic.

Antonyms for Luftschloss:

  • practicality
  • realism
  • attainable goals
  • clear-headedness

Synonyms for Luftschloss:

  • Hirngespinst: whimsical idea
  • Trugbild: illusion
  • Fantasiegebilde: fantasy
  • Phantasiegebäude: imagination

Example sentences:

  • Er baut ständig Luftschlösser und verliert den Bezug zur Realität. (He constantly builds castles in the air and loses touch with reality.)
  • Sie träumt von einem Leben als reiche und berühmte Schauspielerin. Das ist aber nur ein Luftschloss ohne jegliche Basis. (She dreams of a life as a wealthy and famous actress. However, that is only a pipe dream without any basis.)
  • Du solltest deine Erwartungen an die Prüfung realistisch einschätzen und keine Luftschlösser bauen. (You should realistically assess your expectations for the exam and not build castles in the air.)

Overall, Luftschloss is a perfect word to describe unrealistic, unpractical, and foolish ideas, dreams, or plans. It is essential to be aware of the difference between aspirations and pipe dreams, as well as to keep our feet grounded and practical.\ Visit

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