Lust is a German word that translates to “desire” or “pleasure” in English. It refers to a strong urge or feeling of enjoyment towards a particular activity, object, or person.
- Unlust: This word represents the opposite of “Lust,” meaning a lack of desire or interest in something.
- Widerwillen: This term signifies strong aversion or reluctance towards something, often in contrast to “Lust.”
- Begeisterung: It is a synonym for “Lust,” implying enthusiasm or excitement towards something.
- Vergnügen: This word is also a synonym, conveying the idea of pleasure or delight.
Here are a few examples of how “Lust” can be used in different contexts:
- Ich habe Lust auf ein Eis. (I have a craving for ice cream.)
- Er verspürt Lust zu tanzen. (He feels the desire to dance.)
- Die Teilnahme an diesem Wettbewerb bereitet ihr große Lust. (Participating in this competition gives her great pleasure.)
- Sie hat keine Lust auf Hausarbeit. (She has no interest in doing housework.)
Overall, “Lust” denotes a positive and enthusiastic state of mind, indicating a strong inclination towards something pleasurable.\ Visit YouGlish.com