


Marsch (noun) refers to a type of landscape characterized by wet, marshy areas. It is commonly found in coastal regions and riverbanks, where the soil is often saturated with water. The word “Marsch” is derived from the Low German “mersk,” meaning “marsh” or “swamp.”


The opposite of Marsch is “Berg” (mountain). While a Marsch is a low-lying, waterlogged area, a Berg refers to a highland or elevated landform. The Berg is typically dry and rocky, providing a stark contrast to the marshy characteristics of the Marsch.


  • Sumpf (swamp)
  • Feuchtgebiet (wetland)
  • Moorgebiet (peatland)


  1. Die Nordsee-Inseln Schleswig-Holsteins sind für ihre wunderschönen Marschen bekannt. (The North Sea islands of Schleswig-Holstein are renowned for their beautiful marshes.)

  2. Wenn du den Park betrittst, sei vorsichtig, um nicht im Marsch stecken zu bleiben. (When entering the park, be careful not to get stuck in the marsh.)

  3. Die Landwirte nutzen die Marschgebiete für den Anbau von Kartoffeln und Gemüse. (Farmers utilize the marsh areas for cultivating potatoes and vegetables.)

  4. Einige seltene Vogelarten sind speziell an das Leben in der Marsch angepasst. (Some rare bird species are specifically adapted to living in the marsh.)

Marsch landscapes play an essential role in supporting unique ecosystems and providing habitats for various plant and animal species. With their distinctive features and ecological significance, Marschen are both fascinating and valuable natural formations in Germany.\ Visit

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