Mensa [Noun]

Mensa [Noun]


Definition: Mensa is a German noun that refers to a cafeteria or canteen primarily found on university campuses. It is derived from the Latin word “mensa,” meaning table. In Germany, a Mensa provides affordable meals to students, academic staff, and other members of the university community.

Opposite: The opposite of a Mensa would be a restaurant or a fast-food joint, as opposed to a subsidized eating facility. Unlike a restaurant that offers a wider variety of dishes and services, a Mensa usually focuses on providing basic meals for students at more reasonable prices.

Synonyms: A synonym for Mensa in German could be “Kantine,” which also refers to a canteen or cafeteria. This word can often be used interchangeably with Mensa, depending on the region or context.

Examples: Here are a few examples of how the word Mensa could be used in sentences:

  1. Die Mensa auf dem Campus bietet eine Vielzahl von Gerichten an. (The cafeteria on campus offers a variety of dishes.)
  2. Die Studierenden treffen sich oft in der Mensa, um gemeinsam Mittag zu essen. (Students often meet in the cafeteria to have lunch together.)
  3. Die Preise in der Mensa sind für Studierende äußerst günstig. (The prices in the canteen are very affordable for students.)

So, next time you find yourself on a German university campus, make sure to check out the Mensa for a budget-friendly meal option.\ Visit

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