

Milch (feminine noun) refers to the pale liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals, especially cows, which is used as a food source and consumed by humans. It is a fundamental ingredient in various food and beverage products.


The opposite of “Milch” could be “Wasser” (water), as water is a non-dairy liquid beverage. In terms of dairy products, a common opposite of milk is “Käse” (cheese).


Some synonyms for “Milch” include:

  • “Kuhmilch” (cow’s milk)
  • “Ziegenmilch” (goat’s milk)
  • “Schafmilch” (sheep’s milk)
  • “H-Milch” (long-life milk)
  • “Vollmilch” (full-fat milk)
  • “Frischmilch” (fresh milk)


Here are a few examples of using “Milch” in sentences:

  1. Ich trinke gerne ein Glas Milch zum Frühstück. (I like to have a glass of milk for breakfast.)
  2. Die Kinder mögen Schokolade mit Milch. (The children like chocolate with milk.)
  3. Die Konditorin benötigt frische Milch für den Kuchen. (The pastry chef needs fresh milk for the cake.)
  4. Mein Lieblingsgetränk ist ein Milchkaffee. (My favorite drink is a coffee with milk.)
  5. Manche Menschen sind lactoseintolerant und können keine Milchprodukte zu sich nehmen. (Some people are lactose intolerant and cannot consume milk products.)

Please note that the word “Milch” has multiple uses and contexts, such as in plant-based milk alternatives or in the production of dairy-based desserts. The examples provided here focus on the traditional meaning of milk obtained from mammals.\ Visit

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