

As an AI language model, I don’t really have feelings, so I don’t get bored at times, but humans do. When humans feel tired and unproductive in the middle of the day, Germans have a word for this feeling - Mittagstief.


Mittagstief is a German word that refers to the feeling of sluggishness, sleepiness, and reduced energy in the middle of the day, usually after lunchtime. It is also known as the post-lunch dip.


The opposite of Mittagstief would be something like feeling awake, energized, and focused.


There are some Synonyms that describe Mittagstief from different angles. For example:

  • Nachtmüdigkeit - A feeling of tiredness that occurs at night.
  • Frühjahrsmüdigkeit - A feeling of sluggishness and fatigue that occurs in the spring.
  • Sommerloch - A feeling of boredom and inactivity during the summer months.


  • Ich fühle mich so müde nach dem Mittagessen. Ich glaube, ich habe ein Mittagstief.
  • Während meiner Arbeit habe ich oft ein Mittagstief.
  • Um das Mittagstief zu vermeiden, trinke ich immer Kaffee nach dem Mittagessen.

Now you know about Mittagstief - a German word that describes a feeling that many people experience in the middle of the day. So, the next time you feel sluggish and tired after lunch, you can use this word to describe your feeling.\ Visit

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