

Munter is a German word that has several definitions, synonyms, and opposites. It is an adjective used to describe a person or situation that is lively, cheerful, and energetic.

Some of the synonyms of Munter include vital, frisky, spry, and lively. They all describe a person or object that is full of constant activity and energy.

One of the most common antonyms of Munter is lethargic. It defines a person or object that lacks energy, motivation, or enthusiasm. The other opposites of Munter include somber or dull.

Let’s look at some examples of using Munter in a sentence:

  • Die Kinder auf dem Spielplatz sind sehr munter. (The children at the playground are very lively.)
  • Der alte Hund rennt noch munter herum. (The old dog still runs around friskily.)
  • Nach der Party am Samstag war er am Sonntagmorgen alles andere als munter. (After the party on Saturday, he was anything but lively on Sunday morning.)

In conclusion, Munter is a German word that denotes a fun and exciting atmosphere or person who is full of energy and vitality. Knowing its synonyms and antonyms can help you express yourself better in the German language.\ Visit

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