


Nähe (noun) - meaning “closeness” or “proximity” in English, refers to the state or quality of being near or closely situated to someone or something. It denotes the absence of physical or emotional distance.


The opposite of Nähe is “Ferne,” which translates to “distance” in English. Ferne represents the state of being far away or remote from someone or something.


A synonym for Nähe is “Proximity,” which encapsulates the state of being close or near to someone or something. It emphasizes the spatial closeness without focusing on emotional or personal aspects.


  1. Die Nähe des Meeres beruhigt mich. (The proximity of the sea calms me.)
  2. Die räumliche Nähe des Restaurants zum Hotel war ein großer Vorteil. (The close proximity of the restaurant to the hotel was a significant advantage.)
  3. Seine wahre Nähe zu diesem Thema konnte ich erst in unserem Gespräch erkennen. (I could only recognize his true closeness to this subject during our conversation.)

The word “Nähe” captures the concept of physical and emotional closeness, highlighting the absence of distance. Its opposite, “Ferne,” represents distance, while “Proximity” serves as a synonym, emphasizing physical nearness.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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